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2022 Home Remodeling Trends To Consider

March 14, 2022

In 2022, a number of factors are influencing new remodeling trends. As more and more people work from home during these post-pandemic times, the need for more innovations and workspaces is higher than ever. Here are several home remodeling trends we’re likely to see in the coming year. 1. Multifunctional Rooms and Spaces Perhaps the biggest home remodeling trend we’ll see in 2022 is making more spaces multifunctional. With a higher number of people working from home and kids either being homeschooled or remotely learning, there’s never been a time when a multi-use room is more needed. For many, they are using a secondary living... View Article

What Are the Advantages of Insulated Concrete?

December 30, 2021

Traditional wood framing is out, and insulated concrete forms (ICFs) are in. An ICF wall system can come in preformed interlocking blocks or as separate panels connected with metal ties. As the name suggests, the concrete is also insulated, typically with high-density Styrofoam or another lightweight material. ICFs can be used for below-grade foundations as well as above-grade walls up to two stories high. Because insulated concrete formwork is becoming so popular across the country, we put together this post to cover a few of the reasons to consider ICFs. Keep reading to learn why you should consider ICFs and... View Article

The Main Components of Green Construction

December 30, 2021

Many businesses and industries are doing their part to go green these days by doing things to help the Earth and eliminate their carbon footprints. This is especially true in the construction industry, where eco-friendly house construction has really taken off. Eco-conscious building methods can take many forms, and it can be applied in nearly every aspect of a new home. This post will cover some of the many components of green construction. Construction materials Construction companies can start their building process off on the right foot by using sustainable building materials. These materials are obtained from natural, renewable sources... View Article

I Want to Build My Own House—Where Do I Start?

September 14, 2021

Many people opt to build their own home rather than purchasing an existing one. Building your own home gives you total control over the design, so you can get a house that meets your exact needs and specifications. Of course, the prospect of starting from scratch with home construction can be a bit overwhelming. So, if you’re planning on building your house, where do you get started? The first thing you’ll need to do is choose where you’re going to build the house. Here’s an overview of some of the key considerations to factor into your search for the best... View Article

How Long Do Houses Last? The Average Lifespan of a Home

August 31, 2021

There are so many factors that go into determining a home’s lifespan that it’s hard to deliver a straight answer to this question. So, let’s take a look at some studies and some of the factors likely to influence how long you can expect your house to last. What does the research say? One study analyzed a couple hundred buildings that were condemned and demolished in North America. Of these, a majority were less than 50 years old. But when broken down by age group, 12 percent of the buildings were less than 25 years old, and many more were... View Article

Coyote Hollow Construction