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Reasons Why Open Floor Plans Are the Best Choice

March 18, 2020

Home design doesn’t just affect the style and aesthetic appeal of your home—it also makes a big difference when it comes to its functionality and value. When you’re deciding on a floor plan for your custom home or rethinking your existing floor plan and considering a remodeling project, it’s important to think about the advantages and features of various options. For many homeowners, open floor plans in Poulsbo, WA offer the greatest benefit. Keep reading to find out why an open floor concept might be the best choice for your home. Open floor plan basics To decide whether open floor... View Article

Mistakes to Avoid When Building a New Home

March 4, 2020

Building a new home is an exciting project that allows you to create a space that’s tailored to your specific needs, preferences and lifestyle. Unfortunately, lots of homeowners miss out on the benefits of custom home building because of some common pitfalls and home building mistakes in Poulsbo, WA. Here are some of the most common home building mistakes and how to avoid them: Going over budget: Budgeting is crucial when planning a custom home build, but many homeowners end up with a list of expenses that exceeds their initial project budget by thousands of dollars. The reality is that... View Article

The Ultimate Guide to Kick Off Your Kitchen Remodeling Plans

February 18, 2020

The time has come to update your kitchen. Something just clicked, and you feel that now is the right time to invest in a kitchen remodel. Here’s the thing, though—you must take the time to plan the project from start to finish, and understand that some snags may arise in the meantime. The good news is that home kitchens are the most popular room in the house to renovate. This means the pros have the remodeling steps down pat. However, it’s up to you to consider the details of what you want in a kitchen as well as set a... View Article

Should I Move or Remodel? Some Factors to Consider Before Deciding

February 4, 2020

Homeownership comes with great responsibility. When you own the home instead of rent, the upkeep, all the utility bills, repairs and nearly anything else that’s required is up to you. But that’s okay, because you also get to decorate, update and redesign your property to your liking. You’ve likely become fond of owning your home over the years. However, after years of living in the same house and the same neighborhood, it might not suit your fancy (or your needs) as it once did. Now you’re thinking, should I move or remodel? If you want to move to a new... View Article

Common Home Remodeling Myths to Be Aware Of

January 17, 2020

Are you interested in making some upgrades to your home with remodels or renovations? It’s important to do plenty of research in advance of the project so you can know not only exactly what you want to do, but how you can do it for a reasonable price. If you’re new to remodeling, it’s understandable to be a bit overwhelmed with all the information you’re likely to encounter. Sometimes, it’s just as important to know what information or advice to ignore as it is to know what you should listen to. With this in mind, here are a few examples... View Article

Coyote Hollow Construction